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Twitter Search – Advanced Twitter Search Operators

Twitter is one of the most popular social site, due its simplicity and ability to share things quickly. In order to find the right audience in twitter, the proper use of Twitter Search is important. Apart from the usual search, twitter also provides some advanced search operators. In this blog I am going to cover a few advanced search operators from Twitter.

Twitter Advanced Search Operators:

Exact Phrase and Questions

Location: Using the operator “near:” is a great way to find a tweet in the specified location and also we can set the distance by using this operator “within:”. For example, we are searching iPhone related tweets in the location Amsterdam within the 15 Miles distance.

iphone near:amsterdam within:15mi

Exact Phrase and Questions:- To find a tweet containing the Exact Phrase, search your keywords in quotations and also is used to find questions related to your keywords. For example, if we search for Google Updates related tweets, just add the quotations to search the exact phrase. Further to find questions related tweets related to your search term add a question mark (?) in the end.

“Google Updates”
“Google Updates” ?

OR :- The OR operator is used to search for either of the key term. For instance a search for iPhone or iPad , the operator “OR”, displays results with either iPhone or iPad and also containing both iPhone and iPad.

iPhone OR iPad

From:- this operator is used search within the tweets posted by a user. For example, try this search for tweets posted by Bill Gates,


To:- This operator is used to find tweets received by a user. For example, searching for Tweets received by Bill Gates,


Source:- This operator is used to find the source of received tweets. For example, try the query below for iPhone related tweets via the twitterfeed source.

iphone source:twitterfeed

Add/Sub:-The (+) plus and (-) minus signs are used to find searches added or negated with the keyterm in question. Check on the below two searches for results with and without movies that are scary.

movie -scary
movie +scary

Hope these advanced search operators help you increase your twitter experience, go ahead try these and have fun.

Disclaimer: The post is completely based on individual thoughts and SEO Services Group bears no responsibilities for the thoughts reflected in the post.

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6 comments on “Twitter Search – Advanced Twitter Search Operators
  1. jitin says:

    yes twitter is most effective and valuable website nowadays and almost everyone follow it, reason it reflects more positive results…

  2. Krishna says:

    Thanks for sharing your comments….

  3. Kriatof says:

    Although it’s nice to know the advanced search operators, they’re hard to remember. I’d much rather just use http://search.tweetreports.com . There’s a ‘filter results’ box that does it all for you.

  4. Krishna says:

    Thanks for sharing this search tool with us….

  5. fxgeorges says:

    Very cool post! I wasn’t aware of these different ways to search using Twitter. This added functionality allows for some creative searches 🙂

  6. Pedro Celis says:

    Most of the twitter user don’t know its proper searching way. I hope through reading this segment they will able to know how to search perfectly and their twitter experience will be increased. Thanks dude for this nice tutorial.

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